Where will your imagination
take you today?
Art & Me

Eva was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She has always had an affinity for art, learning her skills through experimentation and a great deal of practice. Having spent many years working as a CNC Programmer and CAD Operator, she realized the need for creativity in her life and returned to art part-time, painting faux finishes and murals.
In 2011, Eva turned her full attention to her art. Since then, she has won awards for her work, participated in numerous juried shows and exhibitions, volunteered on art show and tour committees as well as jurying shows for various art groups in the Greater Toronto Area and York Region. She has clients in Canada, the United States, South America, Great Britain, Australia, and Hungary.
Eva currently works from her home studio in Aurora, Ontario, where she continues to create art and learn by exploring different mediums and techniques.
Artist Statement
I strive to create bodies of work that are original, narrative and imaginative in nature. Creating fantasy worlds allows my mind to wander free of every day life, exploring new ideas and processes. My current series of poured paintings are an extension of my previous Urban Series of work, sharing characteristics such as undulating buildings in vividly coloured fantasy settings, but on a much smaller scale.
Pours on canvas and wood panel are created using high quality acrylic paints mixed with paint additives, alcohol, water, and a variety of other mediums required to create my desired effects. Colour combinations are selected to form different moods. When fully dry, each pour develops a unique pattern, intuitively guiding me in the placement of buildings, spaceships and other fantasy elements.
Creating this body of work is liberating, in that there are no confines or structures. These landscapes are where the imagination dwells, feeding the artistic mind and allowing the viewer to open up to alternate thinking. Do other dimensions exist? I believe they do and art is the gateway to these other realities.


2025 - Fall - Aurora Cultural Centre - Exhibition. More info TBA.
2024 - Last Sunday in November Art Show & Sale - Annual customer appreciation show - Sunday, November 24.
2024 - Deck the Walls Art Show & Sale - juried - King Heritage and Cultural Centre, Saturday, November 9.
2024 - SOYRA at Town Square - Sep 21 to Oct 13.
2024 - Art Aurora - juried
2022 - Last Sunday in November Art Show and Sale - Annual customer appreciation show - Chameleon Arts Studio , Aurora
2022 - Deck the Walls Art Show & Sale - King City. Juried.
2022 - Society of York Region Artists SOYRA members showcase - Aurora. Juried. Honourable mention for 'Pour 221'
2022 - Richmond Hill ArtWalk - Richmond Hill. Juried.
2022 - Schomberg Street Gallery - Schomberg.
2022 - Art in the Park Oakville - Oakville. Juried.
2022 - Art Aurora - Juried. Honourable mention for 'Pour 207'.
2022 - Studio Tour King - King City. Juried.
2021 - Last Sunday in November Art Show and Sale - Annual customer appreciation show - Chameleon Arts Studio, Aurora.
most of 2021 - no shows or exhibitions due to COVID-19.
2020 - Last Sunday in November Art Show and Sale - Annual customer appreciation show. Virtual Event from November 21 to December 5.
2020 - Newmarket Group of Artists Artwalk & Studio Tour. Juried. Live and Virtual Event September 26 to October 4.
2020 - 32nd Annual Cabbagetown Art & Craft - Toronto. Juried. Declined attendance due to COVID-19. Show was cancelled.
2020 - Oakville Art in the Park - Oakville. Juried. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
2020 - Riverdale Art Walk - Toronto. Juried. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
2020 - Art Aurora - Cancelled due to COVID-19.
2019 - Last Sunday in November Art Show and Sale - Annual customer appreciations show at Sherman J. Studio, Aurora.
2019 - Art in the Valley - awarded 1st place for "Pour 34", Alternative Media category. Juror Sergey Malina.
2018 - Art Aurora - awarded 1st place for "Steampunk Dave". Juror acclaimed Canadian artist Brian Smith. In 2017 the same painting was warded an Honourable Mention at the RHGA York Region Open Juried Art Exhibition and Sale. Jurors Ankia Glaude, curator at Varley Gallery, and Jeff Nye, artist.
2017 - Willowdale Group of Artists - member of the two-person jury for their group show, presented awards at the opening reception and hosted two critique sessions with members.
2016 - Art Aurora - awarded 1st place for "West Side Story - Act II". The painting was selected by the Mayor and purchased for the Town or Aurora's permanent art collection. Juried.
2015 - Pan Am Games, Headwaters Parade of Horses - proposal submission lead to collaboration with artist Judy Sherman to design and paint one of 26 outdoor horse sculptures for the Pan Am Games. Our horse, Future Past 2412, permanently resided in Erin, Ontario.
2013 - 2014 - Pennello Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio - duo exhibition of works from the Urban and Cruzin' Series'.
2012 - Downtown Festival of the Arts - Naples, Florida. Juried.