Welcome to the launch of the 3T Art Blog!
I’m really excited about getting this blog off the ground. It’s been in the works for a long time. I wanted the blog to be a reference guide for artists just like you and me. Beginner, intermediate or advanced, you’ll find useful Tips, Terms and Techniques (yup, that’s what the 3T stands for) to help you become a better artist.
Each month, the 3T Art Blog will focus on a different topic. I’ll be posting about everything art related like canvas/wood panel prep, paints, brushes, topcoats and even be delving into the dreaded subject of perspective. (Yikes, that may be a two-month topic!)
Along with the 3T Art Blog being a solid resource for you, I have plans in the works to post interviews with featured artists. A different artist working in their specialized medium will be introduced to you each month. Not only will you find out about their art journey, but they’ll be able to teach you about how they use their medium, making all of these posts great sources for learning. (Wow! I think Podcasts are going to be a great addition to the blog in the future for this feature!)
To keep the 3T Art Blog relevant, I’d like to hear from you. Tell me what you’d like to know more about. What do you need to learn to move ahead with your art? What you need help with might just end up being one of my monthly blog topics. Just email your suggestions to evafolksart@gmail.com. I look forward to reading them.
I know this is an art blog you're going to come back to again and again. A new blog post will be published on 3T Art Blog every Thursday and one special “Interview with an Artist” blog post on the first day of every month. To make sure you don’t miss out, you can Sign-Up by clicking on the link below and have each 3T Art Blog post sent right to your inbox. How handy is that?
Since this is the beginning of the 3T Art Blog, I thought it fitting to make the topic for the month of February Art Basics. You’re going to get familiar with some terminology this month as well as learn a bit of interesting art history.
Look forward to seeing you next Thursday!